Dangers Of Ad Hoc IT Systems

Sometimes there is nothing better than being able to log onto a free Wi-Fi system to quickly check your emails, but by connecting to these types of ad hoc networks you may in fact be endangering your computer and all of the information on it. The following looks briefly at some of the many dangers associated with ad hoc systems. How Is An Ad-Hoc System Different? When you are accessing the Internet at home or in your office you will generally do so via an access point, which will mean…

Top 5 uses for a UV lamp and ultraviolet light

Contents [hide] 1 Tanning and skin treatment 2 Fluorescent inspection 3 Disinfection and germ control 4 Air Cleaning and bug eradication 5 Indoor Gardening The ultraviolet light is very useful. It has many applications in the commercial, industrial and healthcare sectors. Ultraviolet light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation. Its wavelength is close to that of X-rays and light.The LED technology is improving and so the UV LED lights are becoming more available in the market. The UV light has higher energy compared to the visible light and so it is…

What is Metal Fabrication?

Metal is part of our everyday lives and though metal fabrication is a massive, global business, those outside the industry are often oblivious to what it actually is. In simple terms, it is the process by which sheet metal is manipulated to create structures, products and components. This can include design, fabrication and installation and typically requires both machine engineering and automation as well as manual labour and skill. Creating the finished pieces requires precise work and a portfolio of different skills and expertise as each part has to be made to…